James M. Rosinski
3252 Sunshine Canyon Dr.
Boulder, CO 80302
Phone: (seven-two-oh) two-oh-three one-oh-ate-seven
Home page:https://jmrosinski.github.io
- 35 years software engineering experience in C, C++, and Fortran.
- Distributed memory parallel software development using MPI.
- Threaded programming using OpenMP and pthreads under UNIX.
- Many years experience working on large codes in a team environment.
- Code optimization for cache and vector architectures.
- Object-oriented analysis and design.
- Scripting in Perl, bash, csh
- Operating System internals.
- Oral and written presentations.
2010--present: Research Associate, NOAA/ESRL, Boulder, CO
- Work with team developing next-generation data assimilation software for
weather forecast models
(https://www.jcsda.noaa.gov). Thus
far have successfully implemented thread-based parallelism in radiation code providing up to 8X
speedup on a 12-core socket.
- Port my GPTL timing library
to GPU using OpenACC and CUDA to enable finer-grain timing than kernel-level, and include more
information than provided by currently available GPU profilers.
- Optimize performance of FIM, NIM, and FV3 forecast models on various
supercomputing platforms, including Xeon Phi.
2008--2010: Climate Computational Scientist, Oak Ridge National Lab, Oak Ridge, TN
- Port climate models and other large application codes to Cray XT5 and other on-site hardware.
- Optimize performance of application codes on supercomputing platforms.
- Study application scalability and offer improvements where possible.
2006--2008: Senior Applications Engineer, SiCortex, inc., Maynard, MA
- Optimize performance of customer applications for start-up company (now defunct) which
built high-performance Linux clusters from the silicon up.
- Develop open-source performance analysis tools, and integrate them into a
set of supported software. Many are based on PAPI.
- Various customer-facing roles to sell and support the product line, including site visits.
- Develop TCP sockets-based software to parallelize application codes for
optimal performance on Linux clusters and other distributed architectures.
- Refine earlier work on general-purpose timing library (GPTL) to minimize
1983--1986: Software Engineer, Applied Research Corporation,
Landover, MD.
- Implemented and modified atmospheric general circulation model on CDC
Cyber 205 vector computer.
- Vectorized code and developed post-processing software.
Master of Science, Computer Science,
University of Colorado-Boulder December, 2001
- Wrote MPI-adherent message-passing library. It optionally uses TCP
sockets or named pipes as the underlying communication mechanism.
- Modified Linux kernel to implement fair-share process scheduling.
Master of Science, Meteorology,
University of Wisconsin-Madison 1983
- Thesis topic: diagnostic study of hurricane transition to an
extra-tropical cyclone.
- Presented lecture material to large class of undergraduates.
Bachelor of Science, Meteorology,
McGill University, Montreal, Quebec 1980
- Obtained Minor in Computer Science.
Govett, M., J. Rosinski, J. Middlecoff, T. Henderson, A. MacDonald, N. Wang,
P. Madden, J. Schramm, A. Duarte (2017), Parallelization and Performance of
the NIM Weather Model on CPU, GPU and MIC Processors. Bulletin of the American
Meteorological Society, doi: https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00278.1
Carpenter, et. al. (2012), Progress towards accelerating HOMME on hybrid
multi-core systems International Journal of High Performance Computing
Applications http://hpc.sagepub.com/content/early/2012/11/15/1094342012462751November 16, 2012
Hurrell, J., J.J. Hack, D. Shea, J. Caron, and J.M. Rosinski (2008), A new
sea surface temperature and sea ice boundary data set for the Community
Atmosphere Model. Journal of Climate vol. 21, pp 5145-5153.
Williamson, D.L., and J.M. Rosinski (2000), Accuracy of reduced grid
calculations, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society,
vol. 126, pp. 1619-1640.
Rosinski, J.M., and D.L. Williamson (1997), The accumulation of
rounding errors and port validation for global atmospheric models, SIAM
J. Scientific Computing, vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 552-564.
Hack, J.J., J.M. Rosinski, D.L. Williamson, B.A. Boville, and J.E. Truesdale
(1995), Computational design of the NCAR community climate model,
Parallel Computing, vol. 21, pp. 1545-1569.
Middleton, P., J.S. Chang, J. del Corral, and J. Rosinski (1988), Comparison
of RADM and OSCAR Precipitation Chemistry Data, Atmospheric
Environment, vol. 22, pp. 1192-1208.