Photos and a few MP4 videos from safari trip to Tanzania Feb. 2020.

Scrolling from top to bottom on this page, in most cases goes from beginning of 1-week trip to end.

Feel free to email me if you'd like full-resolution pics or videos--resolution reduced here for faster download

Click on images for a large version of photos or to play videos.

Mt. Meru from the hotel in Arusha
Myself and our terrific guide Fadhili (holding the coffee mug), and 2 camp hosts at camp in the serengeti
Colorful bird
Black face monkey
Elephant with a giant tusk
Lions looking for trouble
Drinking from a mudpuddle
Lazy lions in a tree. Needed full 24X zoom to get this shot
Zebra in foreground with jeep and tons of migrating wildebeast in the background
Vultures on a carcass
Better view of the carcass
Thompsons and Grants gazelles
Zebras and wildebeasts
"toilet-butt" (gazelles?) with young
Sunset at camp on the serengeti
Brief MP4 video of lions on the road
Lion and cubs
Lions right on the roadside
Elephants on the serengeti
Cheetah on termite mound
Cheetah on jeep getting a better view. I would have freaked out if I was in that jeep.
Note the folks in the jeep taking pics of the cheetah.
Cheetah cubs closing in on mom's zebra kill
Cheetah cubs eating zebra
MP4 video of cheetahs eating a still-alive zebra.
CAUTION: A bit gruesome as zebra is still kicking.
MP4 video of cheetahs eating a zebra. Not as gruesome since zebra is now dead.
Lion on a rock
Colorful birds
Giraffe running
Hippos in a river. They defecate in there and it really smelled
Rhino. I think these things are pretty rare. There was a big jeep jam here with folks taking pictures
Cape buffalo. Beautiful animals
Huge elephant from quite a distance
Lions confront cape buffalo in standoff in Ngorongoro crater--lions eventually backed off
Lion roars (or yawns)

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