
diffdirs.pl is a Perl script to show the differences between files in 2 directory hierarchies. Download it here. Usage is:
diffdirs.pl [-s suffix] [-v] [-1] [-2] dir1 dir2
 -s suffix => only compare files ending in suffix
 -i suffix => never compare files ending in suffix
 -v        => verbose: show diffs and stop on each file with non-zero diffs
 -1        => list files only in first dir hierarchy
 -2        => list files only in second dir hierarchy
As an example usage, here's how one might determine which files ending in .F90 differ, and how, between one directory hierarchy and another:
diffdirs.pl -s F90 -v ~/POP_LANL/ ~/POP_LANL_MODIFIED/
This will compare only files which end in the suffix F90, and exist in the same place in both subdirectory hierarchies. It will list the diffs for each file encountered (the -v option).

Bug Reports

Please email me bug reports and/or modification requests.


diffdirs.pl was written by Jim Rosinski, currently at ORNL, formerly at SiCortex, and NCAR.


This software is Open Source.